
Warm Up

Movement Prep:

2:00 Cardio (1:00 easy, :40 moderate, :20 fast)

10 PVC Thoracic Spine Opener

10 Bent Over I-Y-Ts

10 Single Arm DB Press / Side

5 Empty Barbell Split Strict Press

5 Empty Barbell Split Jerk w/ Pause

Pause Split Jerk

10 minutes (every minute on the minute)
Min 1: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 60-65% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 2: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 65-70% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 3: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 70-75% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 4: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 75-78% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 5: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 78-80% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 6: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 80-83% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 7: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 83-85% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 8: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 85-88% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 9: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 85-88% 1 RM Rack Jerk
Min 10: 1 Pause Rack Jerk @ 85-88% 1 RM Rack Jerk
*Pause in split for 3 seconds


30 Abmat Sit Ups
6 Wall Walks
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
-rest 3 minutes-
800m Run

1000m Row
-rest 3 minutes-
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (150/100)
6 Wall Walk
30 Abmat Sit Ups


Intended Workout RPE: 8.0 - 80% - high intensity

Time Cap: 22 minutes (rest included)


How to Pace: STEADY! GRIND!! 3 workouts today, with the start and the finish being a moderate grunt work chipper. The middle workout is a long cardio kick where intensity drops into a steady-moderate effort. Attack the start and finish, and then grind through the middle section.

How it should Feel:
CARDIO and MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! All work and no play today. Put on some good tunes and get moving.

Scaled Metcon

20 Abmat Sit Ups
4 Wall Walks
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (100/70)
-rest 3 minutes-
600m Run

800m Row
-rest 3 minutes-
150ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry (100/70)
4 Wall Walk
20 Abmat Sit Ups

BodyBuilding - Arms and Shoulders

4 Rounds

10 Barbell Strict Press @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7
12 Plate Front Raise @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Barbell Drag Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
10 Inverted Skull Crusher @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
