
Station 1

4 Rounds

Every 3:00 starting at 0:00

200ft Double DB or KB Carry (farmers, front rack, OR overhead)

10 V-Ups

Cardio in Remaining Time

Take 1 minute to rest and transition after ALL 4 rounds have been completed

Station 2

4 Rounds

Every 3:00 starting at 0:00

20 Renegade Rows + 10 Dumbbell Push Ups

Cardio in Remaining Time

*Switch Cardio Option

Take 1 minute to rest and transition after ALL 4 rounds have been completed

Station 3

4 Rounds

Every 3:00 starting at 0:00

40 Crossovers

100ft BW Walking Lunges

Cardio in Remaining Time

*Switch Cardio Option
