
Warm Up

Movement Prep:

2:00 Cardio (1:00 easy, :40 moderate, :20 fast)

10 Alt. Spiderman Lunge + Reach

10 Banded Lateral Steps / Side

10 Banded Froward Steps

10 Banded Backwards Steps

10 Banded Hip Thrust

20 Step Back Lunges

5 Jump Squats

Front Foot Elevated Split Lunge + Double Dumbbell Jump Squat

*Do a set every 3 minutes.

10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats
10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats
10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats
10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats
10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats
*Jump AS HIGH AS YOU CAN for Jump Squats

*Score is Bulgarian Split Squat weight. Score Jump Squat weight in notes.

Paris, France

6 Rounds
10 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Supine Ring Rows
10 Bar Facing Burpees
12/10 Calorie Row

RX+ 20 Pull Ups


  • Target time: 15-17 minutes
  • Time cap: 20 minutes


Here’s a solid challenge for the athletes as they are tasked with holding a moderate-steady effort across rounds. Pacing at every station should be the same from start to finish, except for the final round. Use the time between stations as rest, and don’t get caught staring at the barbell.

The clock is ev

Scaled Metcon

6 Rounds
10 Thrusters (75/55)
15 Supine Ring Rows
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10/8 Calorie Row

BodyBuilding - Leg Day

4 Rounds

10 Barbell Back Squat @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
8 Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift (each side) @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7
10 Lying DB Hamstring Curl @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7
15 Standing Barbell Calf Raise @ moderate weight (each side) – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-
